It’s inspiring and exciting to have a fresh year in front of us with endless possibilities. Did you make some resolutions for the new year? We want to share some advice we’ve learned on how to maximize this fleeting drive into effective change. New Year’s Resolutions are renowned for being ineffective. We often create yet another mark where we aren’t adding up. This leads to guilt instead of self-love, which is the spark for all healing and growth.
1-The first step is to look back at 2018 and be grateful and gentle with yourself. Revel in what was good and use what was not as a platform for growth. You triumphed through another year and came out wiser!
2-Now, envision how you want to FEEL in 2019. What does it feel like to be in your body and live in your skin? What emotions do you want to have as your baseline? Many of us are overwhelmed and frustrated or anxious and depressed at our baseline, but we have the power to change that if we’re conscientious. Find words to describe your new primary sense: content, grateful, peaceful, invigorated, productive, creative, warm? What is the general mood of the rooms you inhabit and the people you live and work with?
3-What does your year LOOK like? Picture yourself and your surroundings. What color is the energy around you? Is it red and full of adventure and joy and creation? Blue for peace and restoration? Green for healing, detoxing, and flowing with life? Yellow for nurturing, nesting, self-care or care for others? White for clarity and focus and productivity? These colors correspond with the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine and are a powerful part of visualization techniques. Mix the colors together and find your own shades to create your ideal vision.
4-Finally, and most importantly: write this all down and read it every day! Skim it when you wake up or before bed. This daily act is so powerful, do not underestimate your power of creation. Having your vision in your head all the time will subconsciously make you make steps that will support it to becoming a reality. Resolutions are actions you resolve to take in order to obtain a certain feeling. Our resolution is to exercise 5 times a week, but we’re making it because we want to feel strong and healthy. If we start with the focus on our end result and remind ourselves daily of this, the process will be more kinetic and less forced.
There is an unseen world around us so always ask the universe, God, and your angels for help in actualizing your vision!